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Are Stoners Lazy? Or Are You Just A Lazy Stoner?

Stoners get the stigma of being lazy because of the common effects marijuana has on the people that use it. Stoners are known for doing two things after smoking; laying back, and eating lots of food. However, this doesn’t make a stoner lazy. If the person isn’t lazy by nature, they won’t necessarily behave lazy, they might actually be productive during or after rolling one up. It all comes down to the personality and routine of the stoner.

Are Stoners Lazy? Or Is This Just A Bad Stereotype?

We all have that lazy stoner friend that just smokes some, and kicks their feet up on the couch to watch some tv. They kind of make it hard to say not all stoners are lazy, But this isn’t the characteristic of all stoners. Many stoners aren’t lazy, and instead work the use of marijuana into their routine to make their day or experience more enjoyable or less painful. Whereas some stoners may smoke to get their grub on, or to kick back and vibe to some music. It all just depends on the stoner and their routine in use.

If you’re someone that likes to get things done, you might be the type of stoner to smoke recreational marijuana to help your creative flow. Marijuana has the tendency to help with free thinking and idea flows. Some stoners use this to their advantage in producing creative.

Though some people might look at a stoner being lazy in the moment smoking, it doesn’t necessarily mean that stoner is actually lazy. Stoners that have an active routine sometimes smoke recreational marijuana to relax their muscles after a strenuous activity, or as a break between a long session of brainstorming.

However, is it really bad to be a lazy stoner? Maybe that was the goal to begin with. Sometimes we can get overwhelmed by our daily routines, and just need that one moment to forget it all, and yes be lazy for a while.

When you really think about it, it’s actually a part of the experience. Not all Stoners are lazy, some stoners might seem lazy, but simply they just roll one up to change how they feel in the moment. We all seek comfort in life, and stoners have adopted the use of marijuana to help maximize that level of comfort. It isn’t often easy to get away from the pressure we experience day to day, but the use of recreational marijuana makes it easy for stoners to get a little escape. Sometimes you just want to kick back in a La-Z-Boy and vibe to some music; or just smoke it up and pass out sleeping for the next 8 hours. So let’s not run to conclusions and say all stoners are lazy, or that it’s bad to be a lazy stoner. If you notice your smoking habits are starting to get in the way of your productivity, or having a negative effect on your relationships with people, try switching up your smoking routine.

A research study performed by the University of Colorado suggests that depending on the frequency and volume of cannabis use, stoners are likely to become more physically active. It was observed that "frequent cannabis users engaged in more physical activity than non-current users." Based on research results, smoking light amounts of marijuana frequently throughout your daily routine may actually aid in your level of activity. However, once cannabis smokers stop or reduce the frequency of their use, their level of activity becomes more like a lazy stoner. “Light cannabis users had greater odds of self-reporting physical activity compared to non-current users.” In addition to this, research results also found less proactive behavior in cannabis smokers that consumed tobacco; correlating the use of tobacco with more lethargic behavior in stoners.

Stoner girls walking in the street
Research Shows Light Frequent Cannabis Consumption Aids In Physical Activity

Whether you become lazy or not, is up to how much, and how frequent you'll be blazing it up. Don’t let being a lazy stoner stand in the way of your routine. If you know you’ll be yearning for a smoke, try planning your day ahead. We know you want to spark that joint, but wouldn’t it be better to spark it up when it’s less likely for something to interrupt your routine. It doesn’t take much to ruin a moment, so think hard about how your day will go before picking your moment to smoke. If your timing isn’t good, you might end up losing that escape you hoped for. However, if you've been a stoner for a while, you definitely know how to plan your smokes, so that you're active through the day and can handle all your responsibilities.





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